The Association of Directors and Executives of Aragon held this Thursday, at the Reina Petronila Hotel, a new ADEA Forum that had Margaret Chen , president of China Club Spain, as a guest. Under the presentation “China, threat or opportunity?”, Chen has outlined the keys to the success of the Asian giant and its business opportunities with Spain and Aragon.

During Chen’s presentation, the president of ADEA, Fernando Rodrigo, welcomed the speaker, highlighting that “although her career is little known among the Spanish public, she is considered the most influential Chinese person in Spain and one of the 100 people with more impact abroad, according to the Chinese Government.” In that sense, Rodrigo has valued that “Margaret acts as a bridge between two worlds that are sometimes somewhat disconnected: the eastern and the western.”
Firstly, Chen has detailed the work of China Club Spain, an association of around 200 members, whose quality and extensive knowledge of business in Spain stands out. “Today, China Club Spain is very important for all the investments and projects that China has in Spain. “I am very proud to be the founder and honorary president ,” she explained.
The speaker highlighted that the world remains very attentive to China’s movements on the geopolitical board, due to its commercial position with more than 140 countries and its competition with the United States. However, he recalled that “people have very short memories and only take into account the last 100 years”, but that in “the last 40, China has advanced as much as in 4,000 years of history, both in quality of life, industry, education or medicine.”
As the Asian giant ‘s strengths , Chen has highlighted artificial intelligence, which “although it has existed for a long time and the United States is very strong in that field, China has a lot of data, especially industrial, because for the last 20 years it has been a global factory.” of whatever. Today, the most complete supply chain in the world is in China.”

It has also addressed major advances in medical equipment, robotics, renewable energy and electric cars. Chen has stated that, in the midst of the controversy over the tariffs imposed by Brussels on Chinese electric vehicles, “China wants to ally with Europe and I think there are many opportunities in the supply chain or in the car industry to set up battery or battery factories. components, since electric cars from China are very good despite the image that the product is of poor quality has spread.”
Margaret Chen is optimistic about the trade alliances between China and Spain, since the Western country “has a lot of advantages and I think it has a lot to offer, but we have not reached where we should be. There are many reasons and one of them is because Spain’s brand image has not caught on,” she stated, referring to products such as wine or olive oil.
The speaker has also stated that she feels “very positive” regarding the business opportunities between Aragon and the Asian giant, since “geographically, and in terms of transportation, Zaragoza is now a logistics point to develop the industry and the renewable energies and those are many strengths to collaborate with China.”
“Aragon has a lot to offer to work with China. We have to find a way because, until now, the connection is not so obvious and there are barriers such as language or culture, but I believe that there are many opportunities to work,” she concluded.