The Asian dish that is most popular in recent times is undoubtedly ramen . Although the number of Japanese and Asian restaurants offering a varied gastronomic proposal in buffet format is constantly growing in Zaragoza, the truth is that this soup with Chinese noodles, meat broth, vegetables and meat, seafood or fish is in fashion and is increasingly in demand by Zaragozans.
To whet your appetite, today we bring you five places in Zaragoza specialising in authentic ramen, a most appetising dish with the arrival of intense cold weather in the city of the north wind.
Buga Ramen (Calle San Miguel, 5) is anything but unnoticed and is the perfect destination to enjoy the authentic ramen experience . In this cozy restaurant, customers feel at home thanks to the warm and friendly atmosphere .

The team are passionate chefs who offer exceptional ramen dishes prepared with fresh, high-quality ingredients . From perfectly cooked noodles, broths, tasty chicken ramen, pork ramen, vegetarian options and all combinations. For ramen lovers, all you need is chopsticks at the ready and a smile at every dish.
Located in the heart of the city, in the Magdalena district, Senbazuru Ramen Bar (Heroísmo Street, 39) not only serves ramen, but also dishes typical of any Japanese “izakaya” tavern . Its cuisine is characterized by its completely homemade preparations and its commitment to top-quality, local products without losing the traditional Japanese essence.

The chef and owner in charge of this establishment is Víctor Barrado, who reflects in each of his dishes his passion and respect for Japanese cuisine with the aim of offering his customers a unique, close and personal experience to make them feel at home. Highlights of the menu include gyozas, yasai gyozas , flat-leaf vegetable dumplings with homemade ponzu sauce, Miyazaki wings, karaage and, of course, two Ramen options: Senbazuru Ramen with pork, nitamago egg and marinated borage and Ebi Tempura Kare Ramen with a Japanese curry base accompanied by shrimp and mushroom tempura, nitamago egg and nori seaweed.
The perfect tavern for ramen and Asian food lovers is Ramen Shifu (Paseo de Sagasta, 5). A restaurant with a friendly atmosphere that offers the possibility of travelling to Japan without having to leave Zaragoza. The menu offers a wide variety of options with starters such as gyozas , stakoyakis or kimchi . They also offer a wide variety of Baos such as chicken, duck or beef.

The star dish at this centrally located establishment is Ramen . On their menu they offer some of the most varied dishes such as Fried Chicken Ramen, Beef Ramen, Duck Ramen or Shichu Ramen with beef noodles, bean sprouts, park choi, egg and chives, served in their homemade broth. There are also vegan ramen options and if you still have an appetite, on their extensive menu there is also room for noodles, rice and for dessert, some homemade mochis or the famous Doraemon dorayakis.
If there is another place where you can enjoy authentic Ramen in Zaragoza, it is Ramen Kagura Zaragoza (calle del Marqués de Casa Jiménez, 6). A cozy place in the heart of the city where there is no shortage of the most varied options to enjoy Asian food. To whet your appetite, you can’t miss some tapas like the Ebi Fry of tiger prawns, the misokatsu or breaded pork or the gyozas.

They have a few Bao bun options , several kinds of sushi, Japanese curry rice and pork cutlet and of course ramen. With or without broth. For the Ramen with broth options you can choose the smallest option of 100 grams, a medium one of 200 grams or the largest one of 400 grams. Ramen noodles, chashu, half a poached egg, naruto, vegetables and a slice of lemon with pork broth or spicy ramen accompanied by minced meat and pak choi with pork broth flavoured with miso and sesame, are just some of the many options they have.
Better known for its noodles , few people know that at Udon Zaragoza (Marceliano Isábal 2, Puerto Venecia), they have a delicious ramen dish . Its history began fifteen years ago and a few trips, a lot of curiosity and an open palate led its founders to fall in love with Asian culture and gastronomy.

Their menu offers a wide variety of ramen , including vegan options, curry, tempura, heura, kimchi chicken, or the most traditional, Miso Ramen. If you’re still hungry, their menu also includes salads, noodles, and for dessert, mochis, which will give the sweetest touch to this gastronomic experience.