More than 6,100 are new students who struggle between nerves and excitement to begin this new stage

The University of Zaragoza begins the new academic year: “I was looking forward to getting back to the routine”

More than 30,000 students welcome the new 2024-2025 academic year

Redacción Wednesday, September 4, 2024 / 17:17

A rainy and somewhat cold day has welcomed more than 30,000 students to the new 2024-2025 academic year at the University of Zaragoza. Among them, more than 6,100 are new students who struggle between nerves and excitement to begin this new stage in their lives.

With 93% of the places in the degrees filled, the doors of the university have opened today to begin a new academic year. In the coming days and weeks, the remaining classes will be filled when the next calls are made on September 9 and 16, which will leave space for some members of the waiting list.

Vacancies that arise after the registration period for the regular call and public calls will be filled by October 15 by the members of the corresponding waiting lists, in strict order of the same.

Once again, the degrees whose registration is still open are those that are least requested by young people. In the case of the Huesca campus , they are Business Administration and Environmental Sciences on the Huesca campus and Fine Arts and Business Administration on the Teruel campus . In the case of the La Almunia campus, there are a few: Industrial Organization Engineering, Civil Engineering, Data Engineering in Industrial Processes and Technical Architecture.

In Zaragoza , there are still places available for Tourism, Geology, Economics, Geography and Land Management, History, History of Art, Information and Documentation and Classical Studies. According to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Zaragoza, Angela Alcalá, “these are very nice degrees and have many opportunities ”, thus encouraging undecided students, who highlights that these are “very positive figures”.


This is an unusual start to school, the earliest in previous years when classes started in mid-September. Many students have complained about this situation, but they understand that this way “ we will finish classes earlier ”. For a student teacher, it has interrupted “the village festivals that always take place at the beginning of September”, but, in any case, “she was looking forward to starting”.

Despite this early start, many wish to “ get back into the swing of things ,” while for others “summer is never enough.” The most excited, without a doubt, have been the first-year students who try to overcome “the fear of new beginnings” while feeling excited about “putting a face” to their new classmates and discovering what their chosen degree will bring them.


In addition, among the degree courses, the novelty is the start of the Biomedical Engineering degree at the Río Ebro campus in Zaragoza and the possibility of completing the full Medicine degree at the Huesca campus. This was highlighted by the vice-chancellor, who explained that “ Huesca has increased the number of applications for Medicine. Although Zaragoza continues to receive people from Huesca who wanted to come to Zaragoza to study medicine.” However, she considers that “it is very good news to know that the entire degree is now available, especially for the first students who have just started because they will be able to study up to sixth year there.”

The degree in Biometic Engineering has been very well received, although it is “still to be explored”, says Alcalá. “Students already know what the degree consists of because they have been able to learn about it at other universities in Spain that are offering it, but we have become pioneers in Zaragoza ”, he said.

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