Juanjo Bona during the presentation of the Fiestas del Pilar to the town criers

Juanjo Bona starts the countdown to the Fiestas del Pilar

The presentation ceremony for the Fiestas del Pilar 2024 had as its protagonist the finalist of Operación Triunfo, Juanjo Bona, who expressed his gratitude for being the announcer

Guillermo Pemán Portella Thursday, September 5, 2024 / 09:14

The presentation ceremony for the Fiestas del Pilar 2024 was attended by the finalist of Operación Triunfo, Juanjo Bona, who expressed his gratitude for being the announcer and highlighted the importance of playing this role for him.

Bona will be speaking on October 5th, along with her colleague Naiara, as ambassadors of the city at the start of the festivities. Although Naiara was unable to attend the presentation to the sponsors, held this Wednesday in the Auditorium, she has sent a video of thanks for being chosen as the herald.

The Mayor of ZaragozaNatalia Chueca, has emphasized in her speech the creation of new spaces that will allow the festivities to be decentralized and reach all Zaragozans.

“These are huge celebrations thanks to our huge sponsors. We appreciate their collaboration in making these celebrations ever bigger and more attractive, making thousands of visitors from outside take away a good impression of our city,” he said.

Among the new features, Chueca has highlighted that the moments dedicated to the Virgin of Pilar will be enhanced , with a special act of placing the image the day before and a blessing from the archbishop of ZaragozaCarlos Escribano, for the Offering and the Fiestas del Pilar. The mayor hopes that Pope Francis will send a video message from the Vatican, “which would contribute to making these festivities even more memorable.” She has also stressed that there will be an Offering of Fruits with greater participation.

Chueca has encouraged citizens to enjoy the concerts scheduled in various venues in the capital of Aragon and has recalled that this year the Comparsa de Gigantes y Cabezudos is celebrating its 25th anniversary and has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest by the Government of Aragon, with 16 invited comparsas, both national and international.

For her part, the Councillor for Culture of the Zaragoza City CouncilSara Fernández, has highlighted the importance of sponsors: “Without their support, we would not be able to carry out these days of excitement, festivities and joy.”

Fernández has expressed his enthusiasm for the Fiestas del Pilar, despite the fact that this year’s calendar is somewhat atypical. “Hotel reservations and record numbers at the Ofrenda indicate that both Zaragoza residents and visitors are eager for October 5th to arrive,” he concluded.