The President of the Government of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, has announced this new project

Alkeymia will implement a green hydrogen plant in Caspe with an investment of 700 million

Construction is scheduled to begin at the end of 2025 and be completed in phases throughout 2027 and 2028.

María Esteruelas Caldu Monday, October 21, 2024 / 09:32

The company Alkeymia will establish a green hydrogen and ammonia production and storage plant in the El Portal industrial estate in Caspe, with a total investment of 700 million euros. Construction is expected to begin at the end of 2025 and be underway in different phases throughout 2027 and 2028. It will create 85 qualified jobs when it is fully operational, while 1,000 will be created during the construction process.

The so-called Pilar Project will have two plants, one of them dedicated to hydrogen production, for which 208 million will be invested, and which will be used to feed the ammonia plant, in which another 272 million will be invested. When fully operational, 30,000 tons of hydrogen and 160,000 tons of green ammonia will be produced annually , the latter destined for the manufacture of fertilizers, chemical products or the pharmaceutical industry. 

In addition, an 8-kilometer pipeline will be built to inject green hydrogen into the P-19 access point of the Hydrogen Trunk Network developed by the company Enagás, which will allow its commercialization in addition to self-consumption in the plant itself and, in the case of ammonia, its transfer by rail to different national ports is planned , for which the construction of a platform in the Ciudad del Compromiso industrial estate is planned.

To feed the plants (production-consumption), the project includes the construction of two wind farms, called Los Sarmientos (87.7 MW), for which 112 million will be invested, and San Josías (105 MW), for 107 million, totalling 219 million . Both these wind farms and other infrastructures will be located, in addition to Caspe, in the nearby towns of Mequinenza, Fabara and Nonaspe.


The project was announced this Friday by the President of the Government of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, who has highlighted the importance of these investments and what they mean for the Community, which is at the forefront of the sector. “There are no plants with such production in all of Spain, it is the most important project being promoted in our country in this field,” he stressed.

Alkeymia CEO, Diego Fabeiro, together with the President of the Government of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, and the Vice President, Mar Vaquero
Alkeymia CEO, Diego Fabeiro, together with the President of the Government of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, and the Vice President, Mar Vaquero

The Government Council held this Friday has already given the green light to the Declaration of Autonomous Interest (DIGA) , which will speed up the procedures and make the plant a reality next year. A deadline to be met that will also depend on the procedures for the construction of the wind farms, which depend on the Ministry of Transition.


Alkeymia CEO Diego Fabeiro has highlighted the choice of Caspe and Aragon for this project as the region has “raw materials, renewable energy and the water of the Ebro” and has highlighted the “window of opportunity” that it will represent to attract other investments to the Aragonese territory. In addition, he has hinted at a possible future synergy with the green hydrogen factory in Andorra.

Specifically, with regard to the availability of water for the plant and the relevant procedures, he stressed the willingness of the Caspe City Council, which through a “concession” will allow “speeding up the times” . A work with the council that is also being carried out by the DGA to promote the El Portal industrial estate stop, which would mean “a very important part of competitiveness for the project”.