The border crossing between Spain and France at Somport reopens to traffic this Friday after the French Government completed the emergency works on the RN-134 following the 50-metre sinkhole that occurred in French territory more than 100 days ago after the DANA in September. Two million euros have been invested and 27,000 tonnes of rock have been removed.
The prefect of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques in the French Executive, Jean-Marie Girier, has assured from ground zero that it is a “great” joy to be able to open before Christmas. “It is a relief for both parties. It has been a very important commitment, out of the ordinary. Both countries have worked side by side,” said the delegate of the Pyrenean area in France.
For its part, the Spanish Government has thanked its counterpart in the neighbouring country for their efforts. In the words of the subdelegate in Huesca , Carlos Campo, this has been a “very important” day for both sides of the Pyrenees. “The transport entrepreneurs and the establishments in the area will be delighted,” Campo said this Friday during the inauguration ceremony of the renovated section.

The French RN-134 road has been closed near Urdos since 7 September due to a sinkhole caused by the storm and initial estimates indicated that it would be closed for around a year. This has had a direct impact on traffic, both passenger and freight, as well as on the economy of the area.
The work consisted of four phases: securing the collapsed road surface, re-asphalting the surface and installing a retaining wall at the bottom of the embankment. France estimated after the first assessment of the damage that there were around 60 points affected along the entire road.