The tenth anniversary of the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 marks the end of the pandemic, killing 150 people, five of them from Aragon

A decade after the Germanwings crash: the effects of the tragedy and which Aragonese were on the plane

The copilot of a plane departing Barcelona on March 24, 2015, bound for Düsseldorf intentionally crashed the plane carrying 150 people. No one survived.

Redacción Tuesday, March 25, 2025 / 09:04

The tenth anniversary of the tragic crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 is marking the deadliest European aviation disaster in recent history, in which five Aragonese nationals lost their lives out of a total of 150 fatalities. It was on March 24, 2015, when co-pilot Andreas Lubitz committed suicide by intentionally crashing the plane into the French Alps during a flight that had departed from Barcelona and was bound for Düsseldorf, Germany. The disaster highlighted the mental health and stress associated with this profession and called for new safety measures by airlines.

The terrible plane crash shocked all of Europe, including Aragon, when it was confirmed that three businessmen from Zaragoza, a woman from Jaca, and her baby were traveling on the plane that crashed . One hundred and fifty people (144 passengers and six crew members) were on board, and the investigation revealed that the copilot, who suffered from serious psychological problems and had concealed them, was responsible for deliberately crashing the plane into a hillside in the Alps. 

But how did the accident happen? According to ARAGÓNPRESS, the Airbus A320 took off around 10:00 a.m. from the Catalan capital with the intention of landing on German soil a few hours later. Approximately half an hour later, after crossing the Gulf of Lion at an altitude of about 11,500 meters, the aircraft began a steep descent.

Although air traffic controllers attempted to communicate with the aircraft to find out what was happening, the downward spiral at approximately 650 kilometers per hour would not stop, and at around 10:39 a.m., the A320 disappeared from radar and crashed into a mountainside in an uninhabited area near the town of Barcelonnette, approximately 100 kilometers from Nice.


Hypotheses about what happened multiplied at first, but the black box revealed beyond any doubt what had really happened . Andreas Lubitz, the plane’s co-pilot , took advantage of a moment when the pilot excused himself to go to the bathroom to close the cockpit door from the inside and crash the plane into the mountains.

The pilot tried to convince Lubitz to open the cockpit door and even tried breaking it down with an axe, but all his efforts were in vain. The reforms implemented after the 9/11 terrorist attacks reinforced the cockpit doors so they could only be opened from the inside. This was decisive in preventing the pilot from entering and stopping his colleague, the man responsible for the tragedy.


This plane crash highlighted the issue of mental health among aviation professionals, especially pilots, whose working conditions are often fraught with pressure and stress. Lubitz had been working for German airline Germanwings (a subsidiary of Lufthansa) for just over a year, although the 28-year-old German had been suffering from severe depression for years. However, these problems evaded airline controls, and he was certified fit to fly an aircraft.

Several doctors who treated him even went so far as to give him a medical certificate, which would have prevented the accident, although the company was never aware of this. Apparently, in Germany, mental health professionals are obliged to respect their patients’ medical confidentiality. Andreas Lubitz also lacked adequate health insurance, and it is believed that he was also afraid of losing his aviation license if he revealed his problems.

Following the incident, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) recommended the presence of at least two people in the cockpit at all times during the flight. This means that if the pilot or copilot leaves, another member of the crew, such as a flight attendant, must enter the cockpit. Although some airlines did implement this measure, several have already reversed it, claiming that it could cause other safety issues.

Likewise, in Spain, the measure of alcohol and drug testing for all crew members during ramp inspections began. That is, tests are carried out on the pilot, copilot, and other crew members just before the flight begins. Other measures have also been developed, such as psychological evaluations of pilots and periodic assessments to determine their mental health.


Two of the Aragonese men on board the plane were brothers traveling to Düsseldorf for work. They were Vicente SM, 48, married with two children, and Eusebio SM, in his early 30s. Both owned a company that sold and maintained woodworking machinery located in María de Huerva (Zaragoza).

Apparently, the general manager of Gerrsheimer, Eduardo RC, who lives in Épila (Zaragoza), was also on the plane. They were joined by Marina Bandrés López, 37, from Jaca , who currently lives in Manchester. Marina had traveled to Spain with her seven-month-old baby  to attend a family funeral.

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