With the cathedral of La Seo decorated as it was in the 15th century, the king prepared and the troops and residents at the gates, Zaragoza will return to the Late Middle Ages from 7 to 9 February. It will do so with the largest national historical recreation ever made about the coronation of a king, Ferdinand I of Aragon, in an event with international projection. Almost 300 reenactors from different countries will take over Zaragoza with the aim of making Aragonese (and tourists) learn about the history of the kingdom through the coronation of its kings.
All the programming will be free and will take place mainly in two spaces: the cathedral of La Seo and the Aljafería Palace. The activities will be free of charge, although there are some, such as the preparation of the king before his coronation on Saturday or different talks, that require prior registration. These can be consulted at https://patrimonioculturaldearagon.es/destacado-portada/coronacion-de-los-reyes-de-aragon/.
In addition, the main events will also be broadcast on Aragón TV.
All day long: Arrival and installation of the reenactors from Spain and Europe in the Aljafería Park. Installation of the camp and spaces for dissemination of 1414.
19.00 hours. “Medieval society through music”. Talk-concert (Goya Hall, Aljafería Palace).
10.00 Opening of the Recreation Camp (Aljafería Park), and its various
recreation spaces.
10.30 “Civilian clothing in Aragon, noble and commoner at the beginning of the 15th century” (Aljafería Park)
10.45 “Medieval fencing. Treaties and their experimental application in the Late Middle Ages (Aljafería Park)
11.00 “Evolution of knights’ armour in the transition from the 14th to the 15th century) (Aljafería Park)
11.15 “15th century calligraphy. How were chancellery documents written? (Aljafería Park)
11.30 “The Cortes of Aragon in the Late Middle Ages” (Aljafería Park)
11.45 “Pope Luna and Ferdinand I: power, lineage and politics” (Aljafería Park)
12.00 “Aragon. English: Kingdom and Crown” Talk by José Luis Corral (Caja Rural de Aragón Foundation)
12.00 “Artillery for besieging castles in the early 15th century. Demonstration and use” (Aljafería Park)
12.15 “Combat in the 15th century” (Aljafería Park)
12.45 “The House of Aragon. The royal family of Ferdinand I of Aragon. House and court” (Aljafería Palace Courtyard)
13.15 “Music in the Kingdom of Aragon in the Late Middle Ages. Instruments and sounds” (Aljafería Palace Courtyard)
13.30 “English archers in the service of the King of Aragon in the Late Middle Ages” (Aljafería Park)
16.00 Public preparation of the king for his coronation. Grooming, dressing and display before nobles and knights (Patio Palacio de la Aljafería)
17.00 Departure of the royal procession from La Aljafería to La Seo to crown Ferdinand I of Aragon
18.30 Arrival of the royal procession at La Seo and placement of coronation attendants
19.00 Coronation of Ferdinand I as King of Aragon
21.00 Closing of the reenactment camp.
10.00 Opening of the recreation camp (Aljafería Park)
10.30 Preparation of troops and knights for the tournament (Aljafería Park)
12.00 Royal procession for tournaments and jousts (Aljafería Park)
12.30 “Tournaments and jousts in honour of the new King Ferdinand I”. Next to the Aljafería Palace with jousters in royal armour. Beforehand there will be a demonstration of 15th-century archery.
14.00 Closing of the recreation camp.