Renewable energy continues to advance in Aragon, consolidating the region as a leader in the Ecological Transition. In 2024, green energy production reached 19,445 gigawatt hours, representing 88.8% of total energy generation and a new all-time high.
This 7% year-over-year growth was driven by a 64.7% increase in hydroelectric generation and a 7.6% increase in solar photovoltaic generation. In parallel, the production of non-renewable technologies fell by 37% compared to 2023. These data are part of the Report on the Spanish Electricity System 2024 and Renewables in the Spanish Electricity System 2024, prepared by Red Eléctrica and presented this Tuesday at the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO).
During the event, which coincided with Red Eléctrica’s 40th anniversary, Redeia’s president, Beatriz Corredor, highlighted Spain ‘s leadership in the transformation of the system. “In 2024, we will achieve the best indicators in our history, with a double record in renewable energy production and its weight in the energy mix,” she emphasized.
Aragon’s energy generation mix in 2024 was led by wind energy, representing 52.3% of total production. This was followed by solar photovoltaic (18.9%), hydroelectric (17.4%), cogeneration (5.8%), and combined cycle (4.8%). Other renewable sources and non-renewable waste accounted for the remaining 0.8%.
With 11,458 gigawatts per hour of wind energy production, Aragon is the region with the second largest contribution from wind power, behind only Castile and León. It also ranks third in hydroelectric generation, with 3,807 GWh, behind Galicia and Castile and León.
Red Eléctrica has incorporated energy storage indicators , such as batteries and pumped storage, that optimize the integration of renewable energy. In Aragon, this technology has an installed capacity of 219 MW of pumped storage, 6.6% of the national total, enabling the integration of 477 GWh of renewable energy by 2024.
The Aragonese generation park has grown with the incorporation of 651 new megawatts of installed wind and solar photovoltaic power , which represents an increase of 7.1% compared to 2023. Currently, 80% of the installed capacity in the region comes from renewable sources : wind (46.2%), solar (22.9%) and hydroelectric (10.9%). In terms of electricity demand, Aragon consumed 9,994 GWh in 2024 , 3% more than in the previous year.
The growth of renewable energy in Aragon coincides with a new industrial and technological expansion in the region, driven by the arrival of companies such as Amazon Web Services ( AWS ), Microsoft , Capital Energy, Azora , and Blackstone. It is estimated that in the next decade, Aragon will be home to nearly twenty data centers, infrastructures that require enormous electrical capacity.
To guarantee its viability and energy supply, Red Eléctrica is implementing a €400 million investment plan , part of the current planning approved by the Council of Ministers. This program seeks to strengthen the electricity transmission grid, improve the security and quality of supply, and facilitate he electrification and digitalization of the Aragonese economy.
The Minister of Ecological Transition, Sara Aagesen, stated a few weeks ago in Smagua that Aragon will be a “clear protagonist” in the upcoming allocation of electricity hubs , which will allow for the arrival of new energy capacity for consumption. This statement responds to the concern expressed by the President of Aragon,
Jorge Azcón, who had insisted on the need to allocate these hubs “coherently and swiftly” so as not to hinder the region’s industrial development.
Aragon’s progress is part of a national trend. Spain closed 2024 with a 10.3% increase in renewable energy production, reaching 148,999 GWh, representing a 56.8% share of the total. Wind power consolidated its position as the leading source of generation in the country, accounting for 23.2% of the energy mix.
In addition, 7.3 GW of new wind and solar PV were added, the largest amount of renewable energy added in a single year. As a result, 66% of Spain’s generating capacity is now renewable, with solar PV leading the generation portfolio for the first time, accounting for 25.1% of the total installed capacity.