Monumental Tour Basilica del Pilar is the name of this great event

Monumental Tour, a unique electronic music event, lands for free in Plaza del Pilar

On October 25, the Basilica del Pilar will be the protagonist of this great electronic music event

Vanesa Aso Martín Wednesday, September 11, 2024 / 11:41

Zaragoza will become the capital of electronic music on October 25th with the arrival of Monumental Tour. This event, the work of DJ and producer Michael Canitrot, will land for the first time in Spain after having performed more than twenty shows in large venues such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the City Hall in Lisbon, among others. Now, the Basilica del Pilar will be the protagonist of an event that will be able to bring together more than 40,000 people.

“The first time I was in Zaragoza and saw the monument, I fell in love. I had the feeling that I wanted to do something special in this city,” said Canitrot about the reasons that led him to bring Monumental Tour to the Aragonese capital. Specifically, the event will last three hours, from 9:00 p.m. to midnight. It will include a unique visual and electronic music show, which will feature characters and references to the city’s history.

This disruptive approach will also be innovative for Monumental Tour. Until now, Canitrot had not developed its proposal in such a large space with capacity for so many people. In fact, on previous occasions the physical audience had not exceeded 20,000 people, although on platforms this event accumulated more than 15 million views in the last campaign alone.

Furthermore, the fact that the event is scheduled for Friday is no coincidence. Given the possible weather complications, the producer has secured the option of postponing the event to Saturday, October 26, if the weather requires it.


Canitrot will be accompanied by fellow DJs David Penn and Ms Von Disko. Together, the three of them will be the stars of the set that will be placed in the centre of the Basilica del Pilar. Around them, more than 15 cutting-edge projectors and more than 100 lamps will illuminate the Basilica for the enjoyment of all those present. The staging will also combine lasers and video mapping.

“This project will allow us to enhance our architectural jewel from the 17th and 18th centuries and enhance the great Plaza del Pilar that we have,” said the Mayor of Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca. She also claimed her commitment to the people of Zaragoza to make this the “great hall of the city “.


The event represents an investment of around 400,000 euros. The Zaragoza City Council has, in this sense, the support of the Government of Aragon, Telefónica and the Next Generation funds . This show not only celebrates the beauty of the architectural heritage, but also seeks to strengthen the link between the community and its historical monuments.