La Aljafería

The Aljafería closes some rooms and reduces the prices of guided tours while waiting for the Goya exhibition

The visible areas will be the Patio and Chapel of San Martín, the Islamic Palace, the Cistern, the staircase of the Catholic Monarchs and the Hemicycle

Redacción Friday, September 20, 2024 / 10:21

The Cortes of Aragon and the regional government are finalising the last details to bring the exhibition “Goya. From the Museum to the Palace” to the Aljafería. In preparation for the exhibition and the adaptation of the premises for the museum installation, the Board of the Aragonese Parliament, at its meeting on Wednesday 18 September, decided to provisionally adapt the tourist route of the visits from 14 October onwards, in addition to reducing the entrance fees due to the temporary closure of some of the rooms in the Palace.

The preparation of the works and the adaptation of the different spaces will require limiting the route of the Christian Palace and the Catholic Monarchs due to the installation of museums and security cameras, the placement of graphic elements, painting, installation of audiovisual and electrical resources, lighting, supports for cultural assets and the assembly of the works.

This is why, after the aforementioned rooms have been closed to the public, the visible areas will be the 
Patio and Chapel of San Martín, the Islamic Palace, the Cistern, the staircase of the Catholic Monarchs (up to the landing where the family tree of the kings of Aragon is located) and the Hemicycle .


The Aljafería Palace is the Aragonese monument that receives the most visits in the Autonomous Community, so until the installations of the exhibition are undertaken and completed, the Board has agreed to implement new rates due to the reduction in visits to the rooms on the first floor.

In this sense, free admission will continue on the first Sunday of each month, the first Monday of each month in the afternoon, for children under 12 years of age, people seeking employment, people with a disability equal to or greater than 33%, hosts accompanied by relatives, large families and educational centres in the national territory. The reduced rate of one euro for pensioners, students and youth card holders will also be maintained, while the general rate for access to the Aljafería will be set at two euros.

Due to these changes in the itinerary and ticket prices, guides will be present at key points to provide appropriate artistic explanations to anyone who requests information about the provisional changes.

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