Stellantis assembly line. Photo: Archive

Stellantis receives almost 14 million from the industrial decarbonization project

The Figueruelas factory is one of the selected projects, with an investment of 96.3 million throughout Spain.

Redacción Tuesday, October 8, 2024 / 09:02

The Stellantis plant in Figueruelas will receive almost fourteen million euros in the first line of the industrial decarbonisation project. Specifically, 13.88 million, as announced this Monday by the Minister of Industry, Jordi Hereu. In total, Moncloa has selected fourteen projects from all over Spain, which will be subsidised with 96.3 million.

They are distributed as follows: AG Siderúrgica Balboa receives 2.43 million for a project in Badajoz; Stellantis España, 13.88 million for Stellantis Figueruelas; Actividades Integrales Costa Brava, 7.60 million for a production plant in Arbúcies (Girona); Cementos Portland Valderribas, 8.86 million for the Santa Margarida i els Monjos factory (Barcelona); Alier, 4.38 million for a project in Roselló (Lleida); Crisnova Vidrio, 10.43 million in Caudete (Albacete); Castellar Vidrio, 6.31 million for its new strategy in Castellar del Vallés (Barcelona) and Fertiberia, 2.97 million for its Puertollano plant project (Ciudad Real).

The group formed by Corporación Alimentaria Peñasanta and Ence Energía Extremadura follows, with 2.52 million for their facilities in Siero (Asturias); Cunext Copper Industries, 30 million for the production of green copper at its plant in Córdoba; Holcim España, 2.71 million for the Carboneras factory (Almería); Ercros, 533 thousand euros for its Vila-Seca factory (Tarragona); Cerámica Peño, 635 thousand euros for its plant in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo); and the group formed by Zumos Valencianos del Mediterráneo and Naturgy Iberia, which has received 3.04 million for its plant in Sagunto (Valencia).

“We continue to encourage companies to invest in sustainable solutions with the aim of meeting climate commitments and at the same time creating new business opportunities in green sectors,” said Jordi Hereu. In addition to those announced today, the Industry has already granted aid – including subsidies and loans – worth 323 million euros of the decarbonisation part between definitive and provisional resolutions.

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