The Autonomous Community of Aragon has carried out a total of 115 organ transplants in 2024. This figure represents an increase in transplant activity compared to 2023 of 4.5%. This has been possible thanks to the 49 people who have donated their organs after dying and 6 who have donated a kidney while alive , totaling 55 donations.
The coordinator of Transplants in Aragon , José Ángel de Ayala Fernández , explained that thanks to the “ immense generosity and solidarity ” of 49 patients and their families in the Community of Aragon, 49 donations of organs from deceased donors have been made in hospitals authorised for this activity. This represents a rate of 36.6 donations per million inhabitants, a figure similar to last year.
Specifically, 29 donations were obtained at the Miguel Servet University Hospital and 20 at the Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital , with the average age of the donors being 60 years old. In addition to these 49 donors, there were 6 kidney donations from living donors, carried out at the Miguel Servet University Hospital. The coordinator of Transplants of Aragon has commented that the number of family refusals to donate is in line with the national average, around 16%.
He also stressed the importance of solidarity between autonomous communities. “ We have sent 53 organs to other communities and received 42 organs , which demonstrates the excellent collaboration between autonomous communities, led by the National Transplant Organisation.” According to De Ayala, collaboration between the 17 autonomous communities and the exchange of organs “is essential to perform a greater number of transplants in Spain .”
51 % of donation processes were donation in asystole (AD) and 49% in brain death (BD ). Most donations in asystole, or donation after circulatory death, were performed using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
“These results encourage us to continue improving donation and transplant processes in the Community of Aragon, specifically, in the early detection of potential donors. To this end, the Transplant Coordination Unit of Aragon is working to detect potential donors early in all health areas of Aragon, with the sole objective of increasing transplants and, thus, reducing the waiting list and gaining years of life,” said De Ayala.